Wednesday, August 1, 2007

How can I Boost My Child's Immune System?

This also I get from the magazine to share with all mummies.

5-point Plan
Here are ways to make sure your child gets her normal share of infections at her age

  1. See if she is well and active in between episodes of infection, even though she may have lingering symptoms like a runny nose or cough that last longer than the usual
  2. Monitor your child's weight. It's a good sign if she gains weight steadily and does not get more than one bout of serious infection in a year
  3. Ensure she has a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes fruit and vegetables. Ask her what she likes too.
  4. Consider giving her a multivitamin supplement if she is fussy eater. Consult with your doctor
  5. She should get sufficient outdoor play and interaction, as keeping her indoors for fear of contracting more infections might just delay the process of building up immunity. Try introducing her to children her age who often engage in regular activities. Also look for parent-child programmes that allow you to bond with your child while keeping fit
Eight Dos & Dont's
Bear these in mind when helping your child fight the bugs and viruses
... ensure the child sleeps well every night
... see a doctor if her fever is persisten, recurrent of if there is poor weight gain
... try to get her back to daycare as soon as possible. It is usually good to do so once the fever has settled, unless your child has had an infection like hand, foot and mouth disease
... guarantee your child has been fully immunised, if you are uncertain, check with the doctor
... check that she washes her hands often at daycare and at home

... expose the child to cigarette smoke, as smoking in the home has been shown to increase schildren's susceptibility to colds, coughs, ear infections, sinus infections, wheezing and asthma
... expect to be given antibiotics for every episode of infection of fever, as the vast majority of childhood infections are due to viruses that don't respond to antibiotics
... stop the child from attending daycare if she has recovered. However, you may want to consider a smaller daycare group so there's also a smaller chances of exposure to children and strangers

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