Nice Matter's Award
Hey... I got this award, surprise leh!! I was awarded by LovelyMummy on this NICE MATTER'S AWARD. Terima Kasih ya!!The originator of the Nice Matters award states that it is meant for "those that are just nice people, good blog friends, and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others, that are there to lend support, or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!"
Mummies 'n Friends, I think you deserve it too:-
Baby Shern
Janice Ng
Princess Geraldine
Vicky & Chloe's Site
Thank you so much for rem me. I am so truly honoured to receive the award the 8th time now.
So happy to receive it from you.
Hugs to you, Sabastian & Sidney :)
Janice Ng
Thanks, Fiona. So nice of you to present me this nice award.
thank you so much for the award too..
you're the best!
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