Monday, September 15, 2008

Her 5th Day

Today is her 5th day with us and has a word with her. She is #3 among 5 siblings, the oldest aged 24 and youngest 13. She claims she is 21yrs old but gods know how old she is. To me she looks younger than that.

She still very slow with her works and sometimes very forgetful too, for example last night she wash our clothes then go ironing by the time finish almost 11pm plus and she go straight to sleep. So, before I go to sleep I went to check out her work and found out the clothes, which already washed still in washing machine. This morning I asked her why she did not hang the clothes, she told me forgot. Ok, never mind, still new, give her another chance.

Today, I drafted out the timetable for her and get it translated in bahasa Indonesia to make sure she understands. Gave her one-month to settle down everything and hopefully she would able to catch up all the housework by then without telling me forget this forget that.


Irene said...

all the best!!!! :)

Family First said...

Ya, they need some time if they are indeed first timers. Good to draw up a timetable too!

Vickylow said...

Just keep monitor and remind her :)

Chinneeq said...

my maid more than 3 months liao also need to remind here this and that, sigh....

My Lovely 'A' said...

Not easy to handle maid that always 'forget'.

Serene said...

She may take times to catch up with all the house works.
Just keep remind her for the first one month. Good LUck!

Mamapumpkin said...

Has she ever worked before??? You are giving me more hope now that you say having a maid, even a slow one, is making you a better wife and mother......maybe I should really get one, huh?


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