Monday, December 17, 2007

The Longest Tag

Wow.. wow.. wow... another long long tag to do... it's from Sweet Jasmine.

W H O . W A S . T H E. L A S T . P E R S O N
1. You hung out with?: My friend
2. Saw you cry: Cry? That's about two years ago, when i gave birth to Sidney
3. Went to the movies with you?: Hubby 'n Sebastian
4. You went to the mall with?: Family
5. You went to dinner with?: Family 'n Friends
6. You talked on the phone to?: Carol, she in confinement now, asking me about packages
7. Said ‘I love you’ to you and really meant it?: Sebastian 'n Sidney
8. Made you laugh?: Sidney's reaction, when she accidently turn on the speaker

W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Nope
2. Be serious or be funny? Depend on the occasion
3. Drink whole or skim milk? I don't like milk
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? my dearest parents of coz

D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.
1. Flowers or candy? Flowers
2. Gray or black? Both
3. Color or Black and white photos? Both
4. Lust or love? Love
5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
6. M and Ms or Skittles? M&Ms
7. Staying up late or waking up early? Waking up early

D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.
1. Sun or moon? Sun
2. Winter or Fall?Both
3. Left or right?: Right
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends?: Two best friends
5. Sunny or rainy?: Sunny
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream: Chocolate ice cream

A B O U T . Y O U
1. What time is it?: 3.49pm
2. Nickname(s): none
3. What is your birth date?: 5 May, remember it ok!!!
4. What do you want?: I want everything
5. Where do you want to live?: Peaceful Country
6. How many kids do you want?: Before giving birth I want 4, now 2 is enuff
7. You want to get married?: I'm happily married for 6yrs+

1. Nervous habit: Depend
2. Are you double jointed?: Nope
3. Can you roll your tongue?: Side 2 side, yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yes
5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes
6. Do you make your bed daily?: Nope
7. Can you draw? Can but it's ugly

1. Which shoe goes on first? Right then Left
2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone? I hope no
3. What is your craziest experience ever? Riding spaceshot @ Genting

1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
2. Have you ever eaten spam? Huh.... but I received numerous spam mail
3. Favourite ice cream: Chocolate Ice cream
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? Nope
5. What’s your favourite beverage? Milo 'n Kopi O
6. Do you cook? Yes... once in a blue moon

IN . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U ?
1. Bought something: Yes
2. Sang: Yes, last night at Neway Karaoke
3. Been hugged: Yes
4. Felt stupid: Eeerrr.... I think so
5. Missed someone: Yes... my kids
6. Danced crazy: Yes... last friday @ Zouk
7. Gotten your hair cut: No yet... soon
8. Cried: Nope
9. Lied: Yes


Sweet Jasmine said...

hi..many thanks for doing the long tag...happy hoildays....!

Unknown said...

LOL!before I also want four kids but now I think 2 is enough..:)


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