Friday, November 16, 2007


Yesterday went to bakery shop to buy muffins for my two little monsters. They shared the muffin and I know that they can’t finish it if each had one, so they happily shared the muffin and finished it!! But......

They look like this after finish eating......

And my living hall look like this.....

When they saw me, they quickly clean up.....

And, it's still the same, so they shout for KAKAK......


Anonymous said...

OMG...luckily got kakak :-)

Chinneeq said...


shoppingmum said...

Got kakak ok, if mommy...sigh...

Anggie's Journal said...

nvm ... kids is like that ... luckly u got kakak ....

Leena said...

hahah, the look on sidney's face is priceless.
so messy eater, just like shern.

凯妈 said...

haha, they are so cute. i train my kids to wipe their face with their hand towel. but end up also dirty...haha:-)

kiasumum said...

shirley: ya... thank god!!

chinnee: luckily it's only muffin, so easy it's clean up.

amy: if mummy, then the whole house upside down oledi :P

anggie: phewwww!! if not i pengsan.

leena: girl leh.... eat sampai semua muka pun ade muffin, LOL!!

vivian: true... coz they are kids :D

slavemom said...

At least they tried to clean up when they saw u. :) But sometimes, when they try to clean up, they make more mess. Like my girl. hehehe

Mommy Lose Weight said...

LOL! your kids are so cute !

kiasumum said...

slavemom: ya.. it's oledi mess and even messier if they help out. LOL!!

ling: thx 4 visiting ya..

Anonymous said...

Luckily got kakak.. i think everyone who read this post have the same thought! LOL

Unknown said...

No eyes see!I will shout my hubby to clean it.:)Take it easy!

michelle@mybabybay said...

Yeap my children do the same thing. If I can, I will ask them to eat in the garden.

Zooropa said...


sting said...

that pic of the kids is priceless.. am sure they will laugh at it next time when they are older!

Deana E said...

i can imagine them having the are just kids..( first time here and like your blog and your kids..don't call them samseng la..nanti they turn into one.

JK said...

Kids! They must have really enjoyed the muffin.

kiasumum said...

chooipeng: if no kakak, mummy will go crazy, LOL!

marcia: ya, right!

michelle: stay in condo, no garden :(

dora: wait 4 your turn 2 come ya... :)

siew ting: must keep tis pix n show them.. sure they hv good luff

deanaE: thx 4 dropping by ya... b4 i called them samseng they oledi turn into it... coz all look like mummy so samseng :P

jo-n: they luv muffin, everytime when we go to bakery shop, sure they will ask 4 it...

Chinneeq said...

here a very simple tag for you :p


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